Saturday, January 19, 2008

Finally we have a happier baby Mya BACK

Our poor little angel face had her share of bad bugs this week. Mya had a terible cough and runny nose ---- Dr. said she has RSV. She got a break from daycare for the week but she was not a happy camper.
Only to add to her unhappiness, she woke up Friday morning with Pink Eye not in ONE but BOTH eyes. She is all pumped up with medication now and finally Saturday evening we saw our Happy Little girl come back.
She still has pink eyes and a runny nose but she's smiling. Now to get her to eat again!!!!
Actually she handled the sickness better than myself because I am such a worrier. Thank goodness for video monitors----- I think I watched her all night. Guess this comes with territory of January winter months and going to daycare. Now I am going to clorox entire house before Shayne and I are sick and have two pink eyes.