Saturday, October 30, 2010

Girls random october 2010

Just some random pictures of the girls from October 2010

My beautiful Mya showing off ---she now likes to pick her own outfits----yikes--she did good this time... some of them are not so picture worthy

my poser--not sure where she learned her moves...

And Siss--polar opposite---not my POSER at ALL

my little model

girls enjoying their park in backyard in the awesome fall weather

My firegirls---a new favorite obsession---firemen--- I guess I should be scared....

The firegirl dancer

Meet the Bishop

This past week the girls got to meet the Bishop at Maura's confirmation. My little angel Mya thought she met God--God bless her heart--she kept taking about God in the fancy hat.....

All of us and The "bishop" in the fancy hat....

Cake and pizza with Mar Mar
Maura and Mommy (her sponsor)--what a honor to stand up for such a beautiful young lady.....

Paulus Farms 2010

Here are some pictures of our annual trip to Paulus farms...As always we had fun but it was little bit cold.....

Mya down the big slide....

Lea loved the corn sandbox

My Halloweeners before we left for the farm

Mya having so much fun!!!!

October 2010

Here are some pictures of october 2010

Cinderella getting caught in the act

With Mar Mar getting ready for a party

At Nana's Mar Mar teaching the girls basketball


At home celebrating my Bday before Daddy leaves for a business trip

not sure what's up with the goggles--I don't ask anymore

Bday at Nana's house w Pop

Bday at Nana w Nana

Mommy and her babies on 32nd BDay

Monday, October 18, 2010

more family pix october 2010

Here are more of our family pix---our lil babies!!!!

Family Pictures 2010

This past Sat we had family pictures taken. Our dear friend Satcey never fails us---two very uncooperative kids and bamm she gets us to all look at the same time!! Here are few--more to come later....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Long Post Fall 2010

It has been a long time since I posted. We have been busy and I accidently deleted Augusat pix. Here is Sept in a nut shell....

An attempt at a pix before school

and another one...

Tired babies after a day at Lake Tobias

A rainy day painting

Mommy and her girls at lake Tobias

Mya on horsies rides at local pizza place--

This was her first ride--she was not too happy

My attempt at picture before school

The girsl singing

Mya ready for soccer and mommy off to baby shower

The painting ended up ummm a lil mess---never thought we would have body paint mania but they had fun so we just showered down and hosed down the kitchen

Cute lil Lea and she knows it

Mommy and Lea feeding a buffalo YUCK

my diva that won't sleep

daddy and his girls

Lea feeding a camal